Hi everyone...hope your week was as fun as ours.....
We went to the Pacificquest BBQ in a beautiful park I wont even attempt to spell here, in Hilo on Sunday. It was so nice to be on the water, with fun people, on a beautiful day.
The ladies with Fisher and Forest.. They loved looking in the little "pools" for fish and whatnot.
Lyla, Suz, and Fish...
A Sailboat! I know it is not a novel thing to see on the ocean, but it does reaffirm the fact that I live near one. An idea that still takes me by surprise now and again.
Sophia, looking on.
In other news......
We are cavity Free after visiting our new favorite Dentist!
So clean! I was worried about Avery's teeth because they were starting to turn brown at the top. Yikes. Apparently, it is caused by the vitamins the girls have to take. We are not hooked up to county water, and even if we were, it does not include flouride. (sp?) But, she was able to polish them right up. Whew....(sorry crystal rainbow, your on your own with your rotten looking teeth....)
Dr. Ohata comes out to tell me what a great job i'm doing with the girls' teeth. As I don't receive very many compliments on a day to day basis on my parenting skills, I try to lure her into telling me again how great I am. Oh, and can you please smile big, because I'm documenting the moment.
Also in other news......
The First Day of School has Arrived.. Finally.(Why didn't our school start when the rest of the state did? Hmmm.)
So happy she's not yet embarrassed by Mom.....
Avery was so excited, she peed her pants. Literally. Poor kid. Good thing I packed all those extra clothes. This year I decided not to buy the girls any new school clothes, as their dressers are bulging already, and they trash their clothes at school anyway. Remember when the clothes you wore to school were your "good" clothes, and you had to change into play clothes when you got home? Well, we are the exact opposite of that.
Now, the house is quiet, (Lyla is sleeping), and there are so many things I could be doing to take advantage of this time. Like finishing the novel I'm reading while sitting in the sun and drinking the last of my coffee....sounds good to me.