Happenings on the Big Island
What happens when Mom is sick????
A trip to the zoo with Dad!! Great fun was had by all. (except me) Thanks T.
Avery, doing her normal camera pose.
Sooo excited. Yes, I know that Sophia's shoes are way too small.
Hippo Sophie
Giraffe Avery, complete with seaweed stuck in her teeth. Nice.
Trying out new rain boots and umbrellas. Yes, I am aware that Sophia's nightgown is a size three. She does have some that fit, I promise.
Avery, letting the rain kiss her face. I love the look in her eyes.
Avery is hiding something from Mommy....what is it, you ask????
Rhythmic gymnastics at it's finest. No, girls, mommy can't do that. Even if I tried very hard.
Amy, your girls are so cute! I love the rain in Hawaii. Hope you are feeling better.
How is the zoo there? We only had the aquarium when i was in maui.
I love those pictures! No offense Toby but Amy is the much better picture taker! They are so good! I love those girls and you miss Mutts! Give big hugs and kisses to everyone!
Amy-WOW! So great to see you (your blog!) It has been too long! Hope all is well. What a CUTE family!
Stacie (Mascaro) Evans
Stacie Mascaro!!! WOW is right..I was so surprised to see your name on my blog..and also happy. I'm not sure how to get a hold of you..if you see this again, leave your email so we can chat..
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