Friday, July 30, 2010

One time, a long time ago, I used to blog.....

But then the spring/summer of 2010 happened.
It was a bitch.
That happens in life, and fortunately there were some good/great times thrown in there as well...

Quick skipover/rundown....

some highlights:

Soph finishes up school!


A special pizza dinner with strawberry Crush, of course...

May = way too many activites to close up a school year.
I don't remember all of that. We had field day. The end.

Swim lessons begin


Shocking zoom no longer works on my camera.
Note to self*please take better care of belongings...

Ahh summer....and just like my childhood swim lessons, it was freezing.

swim baby swim


I was getting a great shot of Sophia's entry into the deep end. A life guard chose that moment to observe the situation a little closer.

Speaking of lifeguards, I got talked to by one this year. To watch my kids. Even though they were five feet away from me and I was waist deep in the kiddie pool.
(sitting, not standing). Um, ok. Kind of funny. I guess I am more grateful for a diligent lifeguard instead of a stoner. (I've seen both types)

June=slightly less terrible than May

Some highlights:



Kids love their cousins/ cousin time....swimming, ice cream, grandparents....


When I was a kid we went to Pioneer Village in Lagoon and got Old Timey Photos.
My kids don't, so I made do.

July= Starts off strong, ends terrible....


Lyla Rose turns 3



her favorite color....Lyla will be receiving her own tribute at a later date...just know, Orange was a nice color change for me. I love pink and all...just saying...

Toby's cousins BBQ.

Because this blog is family oriented,

Just know it was fabulous.

Coming home...twice....

So happy to be here. My dog ruled the neighborhood while we were gone, *my neighbor hates my dog. sometimes, not so secretly, I can agree.....but then I feel bad, because she is a sweetie. just a pain in the hiney....

Some other neighbors tried to adopt our cat. Nice try suckas! (we just paid to have her spayed...) or, in a more neighborly way....thank you so much for loving on our kitty....can we have her back, please???

Now, I know that August is full of two moons and everything, which almost guarentees some mischief, but I am telling you all.....It will be better than spring/summer......Or else I am sicking my dog on it.....

Now that we are all caught up.....

The End.


Blogger Sephalo said...

Even though Stacey said I had to get my OWN friends, I wanted to tell you that I feel updated in your life now and I'm SURE Fall/Winter will be MUCH better than Spring/Summer....

Tell Lyla she is a smart cookie

July 31, 2010 at 7:38 AM  
Blogger Sherine said...

blog blog blog. Sometimes I like to do it. Sometimes I don't. Different than laundry.. which I NEVER like to do. Ever. Thanks for updating:)

July 31, 2010 at 10:54 PM  
Blogger Princess said...

Yeah, I love the update even though I can feel the sarcasm dripping off of it like molassess :) Great pics, especially the "old time" one, I love it! I bet you can't wait to get those girls on the school bus and you can get some alone time with that sweet baby! I guess you can be friends with Stephanie, although you shoudl hear what she says behind your back...... Love you!

August 2, 2010 at 4:13 PM  

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