Sunday, December 6, 2009

Avery turns Five!


Avery makes us laugh so hard! She is one seriously funny kid. This year, she is all about horses. I mean everything horses! For her birthday we decided to keep it simple.
Well, kind of simple.

First we picked up her little friend for some quality one on one five year old time. Read, no sisters allowed. She loved spending the afternoon with her fun friend Tarran.


Another fun thing about Tarran, is that she speaks with an English accent. She really makes me want biscuits and tea. Nothing more precious than a child with an English accent.
Except My child who clearly needs a barrette.

Her actual birthday landed on a Tuesday this year. We don't ever eat sugar cereal in our house except on birthdays. It is the only thing the girls want me to "cook" for their special breakfast. Avery chose cocoa krispies, because "they turn the milk to chocolate!" -You should have really seen her eyes as she kept stating this fact over and over.


Cocoa Krispies are now fortified with whole grain. First they strip it, then they add it back and try to sell it as healthy. Funny thing is, She only had one bowl of it. Then she wanted cheese.


After dropping Sophie off at school, there was a riveting and very serious go fish championship game(S) held on the living room floor. For a long time. Avery was on a winning streak, which worked great for her, as she kept reminding Lyla and I that it was, after all, her birthday. Why wouldn't she be winning?

There was also a birthday walk, bubbles, and the movie Spirit was shown. All hits, all hits. She was anxious for her party to start, even if it was just us, she was pretty excited. When asked what kind of cake she would like, She mentioned she wanted one like Lyla's (a chocolate ganache masterpiece!). Only, she wanted it shaped like a horse. Hmm? okay.


I aim to please.

Then, when asked which part of the horse she wanted to eat, (I didn't really think of the possible morbid thoughts of hacking apart a horses face), she exclaimed, "The eye! The really big eye."


Ha! so Avery..


Oh my lovely Avery, you are such a joy and gift to our family! We are so in love with you still, even more, if possible, than the day you were born.
I love your sparkly smile and your sweet self.
Also, can you please stop slamming the doors when you are mad?


Blogger Princess said...

She is so precious! I was going to buy her a fainting couch, for her dramatic fainting spells, but it was too big to mail! I wish I could have been there! I totally would have picked the horses nostrils though, the eye is way too chewy! Loves!

December 15, 2009 at 4:34 PM  
Blogger Sherine said...

Hey long lost friend... can I just make reference to the Godfather with that horse masterpiece:) You really out did yourself there. Hope you're enjoying the warmth!

December 17, 2009 at 11:22 AM  
Blogger Sephalo said...

Your such a cool mom! I love the breakfast cereal idea , thats really cute!

December 28, 2009 at 6:52 AM  

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