Saturday, July 25, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
I hope everyone's summer has been as busy and fun as ours! So much has happened in such a small amount of time. Funny how some days it feels like we do the same thing day in and day out. But looking back at the last few weeks, that is anything but the case.
One big milestone: Sophia lost a FRONT tooth. The front are worth way more than the puny little teeth, just for size alone the tooth fairy usually gives extra cash.
One big milestone: Sophia lost a FRONT tooth. The front are worth way more than the puny little teeth, just for size alone the tooth fairy usually gives extra cash.
Luckily for us, fourteen year olds pretty much like to swim and hang out and stuff.
I had so much fun with her, and I think she was so excited to see us, and also so excited to get back to her summer vacations with her friends. You know how ninth grade is. Lagoon and Raging Waters await!
After a rare rainy day in Kona and a tearful goodbye to sweet Lexi, we came home and started to pack for our trip to Wisconsin.
Let me just preface the story by sharing the fact that I flew from Hilo, Hawaii to Minneapolis, Minnesota via Atlanta, Georgia. I'm still wondering why, why Georgia first?
That is right my friends..almost a complete 24 hours start to finish
By myself. (well, with the three girls too)
I have some fun stories to share from the midwest by golly.