Saturday, August 1, 2009

Did you know that there are not a whole lot of fairs here on the island? Let's just say, 4H is not a huge deal. I don't know about you, and I was never a 4H member, but I could experience the "rural" Utah life through a good old fashioned fair. Although, we were never allowed to ride the rides,(aside from the always thrilling yellow slide,)we certainly could admire the livestock and quilts for as long as we desired. Which amounted to about a minute.
I wanted to continue the traditions! (except with rides and funnel cakes. pretty much any treat these ladies wanted. games too. We always overcompensate, don't we?)
When we were in Wisconsin, I learned of the Northern Wisconsin State Fair.
Yes, sir, sign us up.

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A shot from the seat behind the older girls...Lyla Rose was quite serious. She was not supportive of the pictures I was trying to take of her.


Can you believe it is FOUR! FOUR! DOLLARS FOR A PONY RIDE?? In Wisconsin? It's not like horses are a rare commodity here..At any rate, I still forked over the moulah

But then, look at that face! the sheer joy, soo worth four bucks..maybe even twenty.
haa haa..just kidding, of course priceless...

This is so Sophie! Just experiencing everything. It is hard for her to just let go, and enjoy, although her eyes say it all.

Yes, I know.

This really, really made me want a goat. Such a sweet goat.
I imagined all of our time together. It took under thirty seconds to realize milking her before the morning school routine would be a royal pain in the #&%!

This pretty sums up the interest in the ewe judging. I know, kind of boring to sit through, but it was nice to sit down and stop spilling the lemonade. By the way, I also, unknowingly, showed my kids the men's room,including urinals, with occupants. This further cemented the opinion that "BOY'S STINK" cripes!

Ya'll come back again, Ya hear???


Blogger Smiley Family said...

I love a good fair! Looks like fun, but seriously, $4.00 - what a rip off. But they are smart, because they know suckers like you (and me) will fork over the dough!

August 3, 2009 at 10:30 PM  
Blogger Sherine said...

Amy.. there is nothing that gets my swearing quicker than the prices of things at the fairs.. and you know that money isn't going to the carnies!!

August 4, 2009 at 8:37 AM  
Blogger Princess said...

Lol I want funnel cake so bad! I can't stop looking at that picture of the 3 girls together because Lyla is just so darn cute!!! I want to bite her

August 5, 2009 at 5:00 PM  

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